How long does it take to do the course ?

The course takes between 25-35 minutes to do.

Can I can do the course in sections ?

Yes, you can take breaks at anytime and it will pick up from where you were.

Do I get a diploma or certificate ?

After completed course we will send you a diploma to each participant.

Do I need prior compressed air knowledge to the course ?

No, the course is an introductory course to compressed air and its use.

I already know quite a bit about compressed air – will it be useful ?

Many people that have done the course have as yourself prior knowledge and sometimes great experience. Still they get new ideas and angles to approach the energy saving potential. The course is however not developed for deeper technical topics. For those who wish more technical courses we conduct compressed air seminars in several countries where the speakers and participants are specialists in their respective areas. Please contact us for your training requirements and we would be glad to assist.

How long do I have to do the course after I recieve my log in ?

You have three months from the date of the log in details.

Do I need any special software ?

You need an up to date browser, we recommend Firefox or Chrome.

Can you customise the course to our company or organisation?

Yes we can, please contact client support to discuss your requirements.

What is the cost of the course ?

A single course log in costs € 95.  For 15 courses €49 p.p. and for 25 - € 38 p.p.

For companies with large number of users it is possible to purchase access to the course on a monthly subscription basis.

For companies with more users, educational institutions, distributors and non-profit institutions discounts apply.

Please contact us for the terms and conditions that apply to your type of organisation.

How do we order the course ?

Under contacts you fill in the e-mail form and send it to with the number of participants required.

How do we pay?

Upon receipt of your order and number of participants, we will send you an invoice.